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APEX LEGENDS BEGINNER TIPS AND TRICKS! (40 Tips to Improve FAST in Apex Legends) (Beginner Guide)
Want instant, easily-accessible, 24-7 coaching from top 750 players (Apex Predator)? Then check out our website: 0:00 - Intro 0:23 - Tip 1: Play a Legend that fits YOU! 0:51 - Tip 2: Try ALL the Legends! 1:08 - Tip 3: Understand ALL abilities in the game! 1:30 - Tip 4: Practice with Legends Abilities 1:43 - Tip 5: Practice EVERY Weapon 2:06 - Tip 6: Practice Recoil Patterns 2:28 - Tip 7: Warm Up in the Firing Range 2:57 - Tip 8: Learn the Slide Jump 3:21 - Tip 9: Fall Damage 3:33 - Tip 10: Running with Your Fists Out 3:49 - Tip 11: How to Use Ziplines (great to use) 4:13 - Tip 12: Zipline Jump Boosting 4:34 - Tip 13: Understand EVO Shields 5:05 - Tip 14 & 15: Loot FAST, but Don't Under Loot (Practice this!) 5:52 - Tip 16: Optimal Weapon Loadouts 6:13 - Tip 17: Which Weapons Should You Run? 7:00 - Bonus Tip: How to Learn FAST! 7:24 - Tip 18: Using Shield Bats & Shield Cells 7:51 - Tip 19: Using Medkits & Syringes 8:12 - Tip 20: Phoenix Kits 8:35 - Tip 21: USE NADES! 9:11 - Tip 22: Gold Item Variations 9:32 - Tip 23: Gold Weapons 9:47 - Tip 24: ALWAYS Be Ready to Fight (Fighting Tips) 10:04 - Tip 25: Strafe! (Very useful) 10:23 - Tip 26: Hipfire (Don't always ADS) 10:44 - Tip 27: Basic Settings to Change 11:02 - Tip 28: Armor Swapping 11:28 - Tip 29: Using Doors to Your Advantage 11:57 - Tip 30: Don't Hold your Tactical Abilities too Long! 12:24 - Tip 31: But, don't waste your ultimates or longer abilities 12:42 - Tip 32: Try Different Drop Spots (To learn the map) 13:00 - Tip 33: DONT Hot Drop! (Not great for learning) 13:24 - Tip 34: Use Pings! 13:46 - Tip 35: Ring Rotations 14:23 - Tip 36: Don't Take EVERY Fight! 14:48 - Tip 37: Use Survey Beacons 15:07 - Tip 38: Tags & Respawn Beacons 15:23 - Tip 39: DONT Play Ranked Until You're Ready! 15:54 - Tip 40: Play Arenas to Practice Your Skills 16:11 - Summary Concepts: How to play Apex Legends, Guide to Apex Legends, Guide, For noobs, Apex for noobs, Ultimate Beginners Guide, How to Win Games, Stop losing games, Learn Apex Legends, Apex Tips and Tricks, Best weapons Season 9, Most OP weapons in season 9, Worst Weapons in Season 9 Apex, Strong guns in apex legends, Weapon Tier List, Gun tier list, Apex Legends Tierlist, ALC What is ProGuides? ProGuides is the only website you need to get better at any game. We produce the best guides in the world with every major Pro to make you better FAST. Join Our Reddit: Follow ProGuides at: Follow our Team! Valued: Keith Alan: #apexlegends #apex #proguides #season9 #tierlist #apexlegendsmoments MB01ZA2TTJ8BK9D
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プロスクリムで2連チャンピオンを決めるカワセ【Apex Legends】
メンバーシップも是非是非お願い致します!! 【オススメ実写動画】 重大発表があります 【所属】 Pro Gaming Team Crazy Raccoon所属​ 【Twitter】@GG_kawase​ 【Crazy Raccoon Team Sponsors】 Logicool:​ 世界有数のデバイスメーカーです。 ジェイテクト:​ 世界シェアNo1のTOYOTAグループの会社様です。 Xlarge:​ 有名ストリートブランドです。 Heartim:​ お世話になっている美容院です。 ゲーミングPCブランド GALLERIA  『GALLERIA(ガレリア)』シリーズは最新のPCゲームを楽しみたい方の為に、どこまでも高性能を追求するハイスペックマシンのブランドです。 公式サイト 音楽 しゃろう様より 【ApexLegends設定】 DPI 1600 感度0.6 ADS0.8 視野角 90 【デバイス】 マウス:Logicool G703h マウスパッド:ARTISAN 零 MID 【実績】 シーズン4(スプリット2) 日本1位、世界5位 シーズン3ランクマッチ RP85000 日本2位、世界24位 20キル4000ダメージバッジ全キャラ所持 個人主催大会2回優勝 ALGS1世界大会日本予選突破 #CR_kawase​ #元日本1位世界5位​ #ApexLegends​
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【APEX LEGENDS】最新パッチノート情報!内容が追加されていた!!【エーペックスレジェンズ】
チャンネル登録・Goodボタンお願いします! ■メンバーシップ(月額490円) ・名前の横にメンバーバッジが付きます ・チャット欄でメンバー限定スタンプが使えます ・不定期でメンバー限定配信があります ↓登録はコチラから↓ _______________________________________________________ ■感度・ボタン配置紹介動画 【 】 ■配信アーカイブ 【 】 ■Twitter @BobSappAim0304 【 】 ■BGM beco(騒音のない世界) 様【 】 しゃろう Sharou 様【 】 _______________________________________________________ ■チャット欄のお願い ・誹謗中傷等の人を不快にさせるコメントは控えてください ・配信に関係のない配信者の名前を出さないでください ・伝書鳩(他の配信の情報をコメントすること)は控えてください ・チャット欄でのリスナー同士の会話、馴れ合い等は控えてください ・過度な自分語りコメントは控えてください ・同じ内容のコメントを連投するのは控えてください ・荒らしには反応しないでください ★チャット欄は色々な人が見ていることを忘れずに、以上を守って楽しい配信にしましょう!
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*NEW* How Ranked MASTERS are Using the WINGMAN! - Top Apex Plays, Funny & Epic Moments #1057
Top Apex Legends Plays Best moments Compilation: *NEW* How Ranked MASTERS are Using the WINGMAN! - Top Apex Plays, Funny & Epic Moments #1057 Submit Your top apex plays Clips! ➥ videos contain the best apex plays, funny moments and live stream moments. top apex clips of the day containing epic and funny moments and as family friends as possible. Wether its kings canyon, worlds edge, olympus or storm point, you know the best clips with be here at gaming curios. Mrjcorbs hosts some of the most viral apex clips from reddit, from twitch streams and users submitting the best plays every day. #ApexLegends #ApexLegendsMoments の最高の瞬間 Apex Legends ➥ Apex Legends Moments Video Sources: clicheconflict reddit hugsfortodoroki reddit Different-Match-5144 reddit Luicdchicken reddit ZingerBug  Youtube Piloncito reddit JTayGang reddit haisayaka reddit JimLean reddit jvstsloth Twitch tsunam2020 reddit SandiSandKasten reddit Twitch TonyzLegacy Youtube AssassinBG Youtube imKycZ Youtube yaseenthecreator Gamer Tag FlappyBill330 Gamer Tag AntononEE Youtube Kiva Akina Youtube Mike162Gamer Twitch Heav3nlyJs922 Gamer Tag Salinono Twitch Nuyalran94 Twitch ➥ VIDEO CONTEXT DISCLAIMER: We obtain clips from our viewers with full permission and rights to use them, and compile clips to fit under the guise of a compelling narrative via the use of interesting and exciting video concepts and themes for each individual video. We also add significant editing and commentary to make the work transformative from the original creations and fair use.
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